Saturday, February 28, 2009


So what is this with Obama? All during the time he wanted the stimulus package he was predicting disaster every syllable he spoke. Now that he got what he wanted, his predictions are all Rosy. He really does believe we're all stupid. What ever he says his followers, inside the media and else where, blindly follow and don't ask critical questions. They don't work his numbers for themselves, they just believe.

We truly do live in a frightening country. Of course there are people who do work the numbers and ask critical questions, the only problem is they're conservatives on the radio or cable T.V.
and therefore have no credibility because anybody who asks the "King Obama" any critical questions automatically is a non believer; therefore dismissed.

Just ask yourself, if any republican was doing what Obama is doing, would the media still be defending him? Would any republican be able to spend trillions of dollars without everybody becomming unglued? Ofcourse we know the answer. The media, his followers and his fellow democrats are COWARDS!

I want to get a bumper sticker that says "Obama thinks your Stupid". I bet I could sell a bunch of them.

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